Core Modules


Our program has been designed to build confidence and knowledge for the young men as they begin the next stage of their post high school journey. Whether he plans the college route or enters the job market, we will give him many experiences – mental, emotional and hands-on – to prepare him for his next step in life. Our modules are led by men who made it through the challenging teen years and their search for independence and self-awareness, and now wish to give back to the next generations the experiences they made from good choices as well as their mistakes made from lack of understanding. We also include a module led by women to further and deepen the teen’s ability to communicate clearly and cleanly with women with their own character and aspirations. We are instilling our modules with experiences to help the young men further develop the qualities that lead to success in careers, as well as in life: empathy, critical thinking, teamwork, and independence.

Garden Shed Construction Module

Director: Alex Rounds
Goal: To understand the stages of construction of a Garden Storage structure with hand tools.

This module will develop teamwork, an understanding of materials and the hardware used to create a strong and long-lasting structure. It will incorporate solar technology to provide lighting and security. The overall design will lend itself to the use of hand tools rather than power tools. This project will help to create self-confidence and teamwork and will help the teens learn how this building experience can be applied to larger structures, such as a tiny house. We will begin by teaching how to use hand tools safely. We expect that working together on a building project such as this will build confidence and self-esteem in the teens. They will work side by side with their fellow teens as well as the adult mentors. Gradually they will learn how each of them has unique interests and talents that need to be coordinated for the safety, quality, and efficiency of the project. Though, in only one week the teens will not become experts in carpentry, they will become familiar with the skills needed to build a basic structure. They will also learn about the critical planning and stages of execution and what’s involved in bringing the project in on budget and on schedule. An experienced builder will lead this project.


  • Plan, Design & Draw
  • Layout foundation lumber
  • Keeping the site safe
  • Instruction and care for tools
  • Framing and sheath floor
  • Build exterior walls and sheath
  • Frame roof and sheath
  • Install roofing protection and solar shingles
  • Install air vent and window
  • Build and install double doors.
  • Build interior shelving and tool hangers

Financial Wisdom Module

Director: Greg Simone
Goal:  To learn how to save money and spend it wisely

Personal financial knowledge can help tremendously in decision-making. First, students will learn how to be an intelligent consumer, make good spending choices, and understand credit. Next, we will explore how to budget by incorporating problem-solving strategies and informed decision-making. Students will then learn about the benefits of savings and checking accounts and banking institutions. Finally, we will explore common types of investments, the risks and returns involved, and how best to invest the $300 earned from building the tiny house! Greg will have other guest presenters from the business world to demonstrate how financial knowledge is imperative to success. Create links to slides, videos, etc.

Social-Emotional Intelligence/Brotherhood Module

Director: Core Staff
Goal: To raise emotional awareness, empathy and understanding

This module will help facilitate sharing among teens, from the personal impact of the day-to-day program to the joys and challenges of their personal life to their concerns about the future of the planet they are inheriting. By listening to their peers in an intimate and respectful environment, they will develop a deeper understanding of their peers and the work it sometimes takes to find the value in life’s challenges and find humor in the mirror life presents to us. Whatever they bring up, we will assume its importance to them and treat their thoughts with respect and curiosity. Mentors will contribute to the sharing, not as teen experts, but as adults offering their own personal experiences that they faced as teens, as an aid to promote empathy, understanding and trust with the youth. The staff facilitators will follow the “Boys to Men” mentor facilitated sharing circle model; no teaching, preaching, fixing, or rescuing the person sharing. The mentor models listening attentively to help bring out the brilliance innate to the teens. During the one-week program we will limit the amount of cell phone usage so the teens will notice their feelings more and become conscious of their need for cell phones and how it may distract them from self-awareness. We will use many of the games used by Alternatives to Violence (AVP) facilitators in their work with confined members of our society, so the sharing circle does not become too serious.

Mentoring into Leadership:

Green Earth Module

Director: Lawton Rogers
Goal: To strengthen the bonds of care and respect for the land

The Earth has been under great duress for the past century from the impact of industrialization. Despite the many technological and scientific advancements, humans act mindlessly concerning respect for the finite resources of our planet. Many individuals feel little connection to our planet and all that it provides to us for our sustenance. One way to help restore our relationship with the planet is to begin by caring for a garden. The permaculture method is an approach that can help to strengthen this bond to the Earth. We will introduce the raising of farm animals for the sake of a deeper understanding of man’s relationship to the farm ecosystem. One of our guest presenters will share about his successful truck farming business selling micro greens and vegetables.

In each session we will work on developing a permanent garden bed. We will learn about:

  •   Compost
  •   Compost teas
  •   Adding carbon to raised bed (Huggleculture)
  •   Diverse planting using perennials and annuals.
  •   Protection from critters -building temporary fencing using bamboo.
  •   Biochar: create a biochar pit and a biochar burn

Service Paths

Director: Guest Presenters
Goal: To learn about job/work programs that entail adventure in nature and foreign countries and other parts of our country.

Service work can also be considered as having an educational value as well as acquiring new skills that help a young man continue his journey into manhood with confidence.

Our guest presenters will share some of the challenges and rewards they have experienced on their unique paths of adventure. We will have representatives from branches of the military, The Peace Corps, Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF), Boys to Men Mentoring of VA, and The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), as well as individuals involved in social justice work, spiritual retreats, journalism with more to come.

Grandmothers, Mothers, and Sisters

Director: Core Staff
Goal: To support older teens’ understanding and respect for women, young and old.

We will set aside time during the camp to focus on women’s issues to help develop understanding and empathy to this important matter. This will include how strong and healthy relationships are created, how to work together to face family challenges, how past experiences can help as well as hinder relationships, the elements of healthy communication, and other topics the teens would like to explore.

Clifton Strengths Module

Director: Core Staff
Goal: To develop self-reflection skills and clarity about their strengths, values, interests, and career choices.

Our education system often neglects to teach valuable, marketable skills because of the focus on college-bound students, while overlooking solid vocational careers. The Clifton Strengths Module is a helpful results-based survey that participants will be invited to take. The results will provide a wealth of information about the teens’ unique individual interests and help guide our young men in a positive direction and a promising future.

Kitchen & Cooking Module

Director: Tim Chumley
Goal: To develop self-sufficiency, creativity, knowledge and service.  

The goal of the Kitchen and Cooking Module is to immerse participants in both the higher intention of the kitchen (service to others, nourishment of the body and soul, creative expression), and to impart basic knowledge of cooking skills and nutrition.

Participants will learn the basics of self-sufficiency in the kitchen, including knife skills, cooktop work, baking, service and presentation.

All participants will receive an hour of instruction each morning, and then will work together to produce breakfast for themselves and the staff.